Tips & Resources

Angie and her team share their dedicated experience and knowledge in medical foot care, through a variety of tips and resources found below.

Healthy feet contribute to your safety and health

Feet that are healthy and pain free help you keep your balance. Good balance can prevent falls, a major cause of injury and hospitalization; some falls result in disability or death. Healthy feet keeps you active Healthy feet also allow you to stay active. When your feet are too sore…

Daily foot care for people with diabetes

If you have diabetes, you are at increased risk of foot problems and amputation. Therefore, it is very important that you check your feet; top, bottom, sides, between the toes, and toenails, at least once a day. The best time to inspect your feet is after a bath or shower.…

What is gait?

Gait is the pattern of movement of the limbs of animals, including humans, during locomotion over a solid substrate. Most animals use a variety of gaits, selecting gait based on speed, terrain, the need to maneuver, and energetic efficiency. Different animal species may use different gaits due to differences in…